Question by Mr. Knowledgeable VI: Why does New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner have high expectations for the Yankees?
I have realized that the owner of the New York Yankees George Steinbrenner has high expectations for his ball club, the New York Yankees. Every year, it seems that he wants his team to Win The World Series and if you do not win to his expectations, you face consequences
Also, why does Steinbrenner have high expectations that the owners of most other franchises. For example, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys Jerry Jones does not have consequences when the Cowboys do not make the post season. and the Owner of the NBA Detroit Pistons William Davidson does not have consequences for the team not winning the NBA Championship.
Why does New York Yankees owner have such high expectations for the Yankees baseball club when other team owners in other professional sports and Major League Baseball do not expect that everything has to be perfect?
Best answer:
Answer by halfwaytoeverywhere
Because other owners aren’t stupid enough to spen 2.5 billion dollars over a 4 year period to play fantasy baseball.
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