Live honey bee removal and rescue is the way to go

August 27, 2011
San Diego Padres
by dcarlson54

Bees have a bad reputation among humans.  These insects have a painful sting which could be fatal to those who have allergies to their venom.  With such a bad rap, many people wonder why some extra efforts are being undertaken on live honey bee removal and rescue in the not-so-seldom cases of bees invading some homes or properties.  The first thing that comes to mind to most people when they see a swarm of bee is to drive them away with sprays of insecticides.

This was exactly the action taken when a swarm of bees disrupted the game between the San Diego Padres and the Houston Astros at Petco Park, San Diego, California, just this July.  But that was a bad move.  The 52-minute game suspension caused by the bees would have been lesser had the insects’ queen was captured to eventually draw the rest of the swarm for live relocation.

Anyway, what the Petco Park management was probably trying to avoid is some litigious fan or player being bit and haling them to court for damages.  For in California, stinging bees are common, one of which is the honey bee that was launched from Europe during the 17th century.  The honey bee injects to its victim’s skin a mixture of acid and alkali venom.  It is the enzymes and proteins in the alkali venom which reputedly bring the allergic reactions to humans in different degrees.  The venom is injected through the bees stinger resembling a barbed hypodermic needle.

Multiple stings, of course, will make the victim highly unlikely to sympathize with any live bee removal and rescue.  Many stings can increase allergic reactions several fold.  Breathing difficulty will be experienced along with a sensation of choking. Skin rashes will appear and the victim will show symptoms similar to an asthma attack like sneezing and dry coughing.  Bluish lips, blood pressure drop and rapid pulse are other signs of allergic reactions to bee sting.

Immediate medical attention should be given to victims showing these allergic reactions.  More so when the victim loses consciousness or goes into shock, vomits, or experiences diarrhea and cramps.  These severe allergic indications usually manifest themselves within a few minutes after the bee venom is delivered by a sting or series of stings.  The stinger should be immediately removed properly and quickly from the victim to prevent the sting from worsening. The correct removal procedure is by scraping out the stinger using a sterilized knife or clean fingernail.  The stinger should not be pulled or squeezed out as more venom will be pumped into the victim with this method.

Despite all the discomfort and possible death that a bee sting could bring, live honey bee removal and rescue is still the way to go for swarms venturing into human territory.  These insects are a vital part of our ecosystem.  Without them, there would be no flower pollination that paves the way for bountiful harvest of food crops which all humans depend on. To a great extent, human survival depends on bees.

Are you looking for a great
Livehoney bee removal and rescue
company?  Look no further!  Visit today!

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