Florida Marlins?

February 8, 2011

Question by Oscar: Florida Marlins?
Do you think the Marlins make the playoffs this year? What will their record be (w,l)???

Best answer:

Answer by Astros Fan! (boom)
I highly doubted.
they have no starting pitching what so ever
and their hitting won’t maintained them all year.
plus if they don’t hit they don’t win games just as simple as that.
look at the series against the Rays last weekend.
they won one game and that was because they went on a tear offensively .
if they go through a team wide slump they will crash and burn because the starting pitching isn’t good enough to maintain a weak offense.
plus their division is stacked.
and the Phillies or the Mets or even the Braves might win the division. The Wild Card is in doubt, but somebody is going to snatch it away and it could be Milwaukee or New York.
overall I think their record will be around the range of.



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